Pradžia / Radikaliai

On the road to Tabriz...

A poem after meeting Uways.

Mindaugas Peleckis
2012 m. Liepos 21 d., 00:21
Skaityta: 318 k.
On the road to Tabriz...

On the road to Tabriz
I met my Master's shadow
On the very day he died, i thought.

On the road to Tabriz
I met a human being's shadow,
A living dead.

On the road to Tabriz
I clearly understood Suhrawardi -
There is no Tabriz.

On the road to Tabriz
There is only the road.
No Tabriz.

2012 07 11-12, Tabriz

  • Celestina
    2012 m. Liepos 21 d., 00:46
    Puiki poema...kelias mumyse, nereikia niekur keliauti, net i Tabriz'ą nei į Tibetą:)