Pradžia / Radikaliai

Z'EV: "The magic of chaos & cymatics – synchronicity, asymmetry, and indeterminacy = Cine-cussion"

Legend of experimental music Z'EV (Stefan Joel Weisser, b. 1951) is preparing a project that hopefully will provide the funding to get his cine-cussion on the road. Cine-cussion is of one many unique projects of Z'EV ( Z'EV, due to an unfortunate accident that shattered his kneecap at the end of tour, began to explore ways to make my cine-cussion equipment more compact and lighter. Now he is asking for our help to obtain and/or have developed the hardware and software necessary to enable me to pursue this project, make it practical for me to travel and perform with, and continue its evolution into the future.

Mindaugas Peleckis
2012 m. Rugpjūčio 23 d., 19:55
Skaityta: 348 k.
Z'EV. Photo by Morgan Russel
Z'EV. Photo by Morgan Russel
As Z'EV says, the magic of chaos & cymatics – synchronicity, asymmetry, and indeterminacy = Cine-cussion.
The cine-cussion project is based on cymatics, a term now used for work which exploits the phenomena of the modal/wave geometric patterns that emerge on surfaces that are usually covered with a powder of some sort and vibrated by pure/simple pitched tones.
I first began to develop the project in October 2009 at a residency at Q-02 in Brussels. There I was using composed musics to vibrate salt crystals.
However, vibrating solid media was not viable in a situation where I would be performing the music live. 
For the next year I experimented with a variety of possible solutions to this problem and eventually switched to vibrating water.
The water covers a thin plastic membrane that fills a 4 inch speaker whose vibrations energize the water, causing waves that, as they travel to the edge of their containment, then reflect back into the water. This provides for a multiplicity of wave inter-reactions, creating multiple levels and layers of convoluting patterns.
In 2011 I began touring with the cine-cussion project, ending with a 7 city tour of Italy.
Due to an unfortunate accident that shattered my kneecap at the end of that tour, I began to explore ways to make my cine-cussion equipment more compact and lighter.
I am asking for your help to obtain and/or have developed the hardware and software necessary to enable me to pursue this project, make it practical for me to travel and perform with, and continue its evolution into the future.
The funding will result in a typically Z'EV set-up.
I will be playing a compact set of 5 trigger pads.
The sounds they trigger* will be managed by the sampling software and sent to the 4 inch powered speaker to produce the cymatic activity.
A usb/avi microscope will capture the cymatic activity that will be manipulated by the color correcting hardware and then projected onto a screen.
*(all created by me using my yamaha rm50 percussion synthesizer)
Project needs:
-crafting of a 5 pad trigger to midi set
-writing of a audio sampling program with a user interface specific for live use,   i.e., needing only minimal use by one hand to effect changes
-purchase of a laptop computer to run the sampling software
-purchase of video color correction hardware
-purchase of format (pal/ntsc) conversion hardware
-purchase of a video projector
Link to the Cine-Cussion page on the rhythmajik website:
Link to the EyEar page on youtube:
Link to the a/v poetry page on the rhythmajik website: